⚫ In Memory of Tracey Reeves ⚫ – Online condolence book closure Monday 30th September 2024

Aspirational Targets

How are targets worked out?

We believe in encouraging students to be really aspirational and not to set a limit on what they can achieve. We ask students and teachers to think about how well a student could do if they consistently worked their absolute hardest for the duration of the course. These become their gold targets.  After all, national databases can only give an estimate of achievement and individual aspirational targets need to be set on knowledge of each student.

What this means for your child?

We are going through a time of significant national change in terms of assessment.  National curriculum levels have been removed at Key Stage 2 and Key Stage 3.  Schools have been given the flexibility to replace these levels with a system they see fit for purpose for the young people they serve.

At Key Stage 3, we have decided to use an expected progress system. All subjects set expectations of what a student should know by the end of each topic. Students are assessed as beyond expected progress, expected progress, working towards expected progress.

At the end of Key Stage 4, your child will leave Year 11 with GCSE grades in a number format 1-9. If your child opts for a vocational course at KS4, then they will be grades as Distinction*, Distinction, Merit, Pass or Level 1 Pass.

Leaders and staff are ambitious for pupils at Carnforth High School
Leaders and staff are ambitious for pupils at Carnforth High School