⚫ In Memory of Tracey Reeves ⚫ – Online condolence book closure Monday 30th September 2024

Uniform & Equipment Expectations – Academic Year 2023-24

School Uniform

Please see our uniform policy here:

Uniform and Apperance Policy 2023-24

When students do not have the correct uniform at the start of the day, they will be sent to their year leader to correct this. Wherever possible students will be issued with the correct uniform item which they will wear and return at the end of the school day, or they will be asked to correct their uniform if it is possible to do so.

If there is a genuine reason for incorrect uniform and a letter from a parent/guardian has been handed in, then students will be issued with a uniform card, which is dated and signed. This can then be shown to any further staff who challenge students about uniform.

Year Leaders will utilise the sanctions system to address uniform issues. If a child refuses to correct their uniform they may be isolated in the internal suspension unit. We will endeavour to take all steps to avoid this.

Outdoor Clothing

Coats and outwear must be of a suitable type and not a current fashion trend. All outwear garments must be removed while in the school building and lessons. If a student is consistently wearing their outdoor clothing in the school building, staff may confiscate the item as per the school’s confiscation policy.

Personal Appearance

We are preparing students for the world of employment and they will likely have to follow a basic appearance code in many professions. Therefore, students will not be allowed the following in school:

  • Unnatural hair colours
  • All jewellery (with the exception of a plain stud in each ear)
  • Facial piercings and other piercings (apart from one plain stud in each ear)
  • Bizarre hair styles (e.g. tramlines, bladed/shaved haircuts less than No.1, partial shaving)
  • Excessive make up
  • Nail extensions and unnatural nail colours
  • False eyelashes
  • Hoodies and sweatshirts other than their school jumper

Students will be asked to remove/correct uniform issues and items may be confiscated as per the school confiscation policy. If you are unsure if your child’s appearance conforms to the school’s expectations, then please speak to the relevant Year Leader.

Equipment Expectations

All students at Carnforth High School are given a plastic folder to act as their work and equipment organiser. They are also provided with a whiteboard, whiteboard pen and wiper, ruler and a green pen. Students are also expected to provide a black/blue pen and pencil which they can store in their folder if they wish.

Students should take responsibility for their own equipment and arrive at lessons with all the equipment to participate in the learning. If a student arrives to a lesson and doesn’t have any of the following equipment: Reading book, timetable, black/blue pen, green pen, purple pen, pencil, ruler, rubber, whiteboard (pen and wiper), glue stick, scientific calculator and their school bag, then staff should log this on SIMs as a ‘Missing Equipment’ behaviour incident.

In line with the weekly Form Tutor checks, all students will have an equipment check once a week. If they do not have an item off the equipment list above they will be issued a Form Tutor break time detention. Repeated failure to bring the correct equipment may result in further sanctions.

If you are unable to provide the correct equipment for your child please contact their Form Tutor or Year Leader and they will help to ensure that your child has access to the correct equipment in school.

PE Kit and Equipment

All students are required to wear the appropriate regulation PE kit as set out below for their PE lessons:

  • Trainers (preferably running trainers)
  • short sleeve training top
  • ¼ zip training top
  • full zip training top
  • training shorts
  • skort or leggings (these can be worn together)
  • socks
  • football boots (moulded or metal studs)
  • gum shield
  • shin pads

All students will be advised as to the type of footwear suitable for the playing surface in use.

All students will be asked to remove personal items before commencing their lesson. These include watches/smart watches, earrings and other personal adornments. It is the responsibility of the student to safely stow away any removed item in their school bag.

Should students forget their PE kit, they are expected to wear clean spare kit held by the PE department and a lunchtime detention will be issued by the PE Department. Should a student refuse to wear departmental spare kit, then an after-school detention will be issued. Students will not be allowed to take part in PE should they refuse/be unable to remove a personal item such as jewellery. If this is the case, then an after-school detention will be issued.

Protective Wear & Safety: Protective wear should be appropriate to the activity in practice, teaching and match play situations. All students will be made aware of the following points:

It is recommended that students wear a personally designed mouth guard when taking part in hockey and rugby.  All students will be advised that the wearing of a mouth guard can in some circumstances offer a measure of protection against mouth/jaw injury and that a properly fitted mouth guard will probably offer the best protection. Where mouth guards have not been individually fitted, it is essential that any manufactures’ instructions relating to the wearing of the mouth guard are strictly followed. Whatever its origins the mouth guard must fulfil the following criteria: –

It needs to fit comfortably but tightly.

It needs to be easily removable.

It should not impair breathing in anyway.

In the interest of oral hygiene, it should be made of a substance that can be effectively cleaned.

Parents should provide shin guards, mouth guard and head guards (rugby) for their children to enable them to engage in physical activity at less risk.

In cricket, all batters and wicketkeepers should wear the appropriate protective equipment provided by the school.

Additionally, students with long hair (below shoulder length) should tie their hair up with appropriate bobbles.

Marking and Security of Property  

Please ensure that all clothing (including P.E. kit) and equipment is marked with your child’s name.  If large amounts of money or valuables are brought to school, (if absolutely necessary) such items should be handed to a member of the pastoral staff for safe keeping. The school cannot accept responsibility for money or articles left anywhere about the premises.

Purchasing Uniform and PE Kit

We have launched our own online uniform store this year to make the purchasing of uniform easier. We are also selling stationary via the online store so you can ensure your child always has the required equipment. Visit www.carnforthhighuniform.com and orders will be delivered directly to students when available.

Alternatively, school uniform is available from Uniform and Leisure, 15 Common Garden Street, Lancaster or Euston Road, Morecambe. Some items can also be purchased from online stores.

Pleated skirts:

Marks and Spencer £9 – £14 https://www.marksandspencer.com/girls-adaptive-skirt/p/clp60104235?color=BLACK

Asda £8 https://direct.asda.com/george/school/girls-school-skirts/senior-girls-black-waist-panel-permanent-pleats-school-skirt/GEM936886,default,pd.html?cgid=D10M2G1C10

Next £13 – £23 https://www.next.co.uk/style/st521247/493743#493743

School Trousers:

Next £8 – £16 https://www.next.co.uk/g264010s15/743697#743697

Marks and Spencer £11-£17 https://www.marksandspencer.com/2-pack-boys-regular-leg-trousers/p/clp60450510?color=BLACK

Matalan £4 – £6 https://www.matalan.co.uk/product/detail/s2670868_c101/girls-woven-pocket-school-trousers-3-13yrs-black

School Shoes (Girls):

Matalan £20 https://www.matalan.co.uk/product/detail/s2911008_c101/black-patent-lace-up-shoes-black

Next £26 – £32 https://www.next.co.uk/gl6355s6/p30709#p30709

Clarks £51 https://www.clarks.co.uk/c/Loxham-Brogue-Youth/p/26152636

School Shoes (Boys):

Matalan £17.50 https://www.matalan.co.uk/product/detail/s2897750_c101/boys-black-real-leather-formal-shoes-older-2-6-black

Marks and Spencer £32 – £36 https://www.marksandspencer.com/kids-leather-school-shoes-13-small-10-large-/p/clp60256980?prevPage=srp

Clarks £41 https://www.clarks.co.uk/c/Scala-Pace-Older/p/26166947

Drinks Bottles

Carnforth High School is aiming to be awarded Eco-School status by undertaking a range of initiatives to improve the environmental impact the school has. For this reason, we do not provide plastic cups for use at the water fountains located around school. We advise students to bring a re-usable drinks bottle which they can re-fill at break and lunch time. We do sell a branded drink bottle for £3 on the uniform store website.